New Paltz Fire Chief Shares Wildfire Smoke Pet Warning for Hudson
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New Paltz Fire Chief Shares Wildfire Smoke Pet Warning for Hudson

Dec 18, 2023

It has to be one of the weirdest things I ever remember weather-wise. I have lived near places that were experiencing wildfires so the haze and smoke made sense but to know that the current clouds we find ourselves under is actually an accumulation of smoke from fires burning hundreds and thousands of miles away is quite eerie.

We are getting both national and local warnings about the dangers of air quality right now. It can't be stressed enough that breathing in this air is not a good idea. The fact is we are in the thick of it. Many people have noted that as today has gone on the haze has gotten worst and the campfire smell has gotten stronger.

At around 2 PM today one of our local Fire Chiefs checked in on Social Media to explain and warn the community of what we should be doing until this passes. As I am sure many fire department chiefs have over the last few hours Fire Chief Cory Wirthmann has taken to social media with a Public Release.

Chief Wirthmann wants us to be cautious over the next few hours as the smoke and its effects are expected to strengthen. He mentioned that the current conditions are reminding some of his fire staff of recent wildfires they have covered such as the Cragswood Road in 2020 and Sam's Point in 2022.

I'm sure everyone has experienced the smell of smoke and haze outside the last few days. Air quality has definitely worsened today and will most likely get worse towards the end of today. I would like to urge everyone to stay indoors and/or limit exposure outdoors as much as possible. (via Facebook Public Release from Fire Chief)

Chief Wirthmann also asked that we keep in mind that animals both domestic and wild will be affected by the smoke as well and for them, it can be much more serve due to their smaller respiratory systems.

Additionally, we can't forget about our furry, feathered and scaly friends. I urge that all pet owners be mindful of letting animals outside and if at all possible keep them indoors until this all passes. Their lungs and other processing mechanisms are much smaller than ours and they might have a more difficult time breathing. (via Facebook Public Release from Fire Chief)

Fire Chief Wirthmann's advice is good to know and you may also want to keep in mind how to keep your home smoke-free inside.

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